Summer Recommendations : JDrama “Water Polo Yankees”

Title : Water Polo Yankees, Suikyuu Yankees

Episodes : 10

Genre : Sports, School, Friendship, Comedy, Water Polo, Drama, Romance

Story : 8 out of 10

Characters : 8 out of 10

Cinematography : 8 out of 10

A drama with an all-star cast playing water polo.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για suikyu yankees
The team


Naoya comes back to Japan after years to attend the school of his dreams, the one that he idolized when he was a kid. However, he finds out soon that the school now is not the pride of the town that once was, but it’s rather a run-down school for problematic students. That’s why Naoya decides to recreate the water polo team and beat the popular team from the prestigious high school in the area. But, there are too many obstacles to overcome, including the fact that there is only one student in the whole school that can play polo.

As a sports-themed drama, the story focuses on the struggles of the team and how they bonded to achieve their ultimate goal. The one who sets the wheels in motion is actually Naoya and his passion to repair his high school’s image. The whole drama, although it follows the cliches of a sports drama, had many things to offer, like friendship dynamics, even romance, which was a cute touch to the whole “macho” vibed drama. And the comedy part was really good as well. Plus, they blended the dramatic scenes, with the bullying and the town resistance to the water polo team, masterfully with the building of the team.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για suikyu yankees
The water polo team


Naoya is a naive, passionate young man who loves the idea of his old heroes. He is friendly, determined and optimistic. Nakajima Yuto was really funny as Naoya and he executed the polo scenes very well.

Ryuuji is a cold guy, who likes to be alone. He used to be the star of the water polo team, however, he ended up hating it. That’s why when Naoya chases after him to join the team, he constantly refuses. Yamazaki Kento was in his usual element, the high school cold guy who is hiding a sweet character. Here, he also had to play water polo, which he also mastered.

Nagisa is Naoya’s childhood friend, before he left Japan. She used to be in love with him, but now she has a crush on Ryuuji. Nagisa turns out to be an ally of the team, always supporting them and cheering for them. Ohara Sakurako was a strong leading lady in this one and she spiced up the plot.

Σχετική εικόνα
Poster of the drama


The drama was packed with action and sports scenes and they had a nice camera work throughout those scenes.


My overall rating for this drama is 8 out of 10. It’s the perfect summer drama, with the water polo theme and all-star cast.