Korean Movie Review : Extreme Job

Title : Extreme Job

Genre : Comedy, Police, Undercover, Action, Drama, Team, Friendship, Crime

Story : 7 out of 10

Characters : 7 out of 10

Cinematography : 8 out of 10

A movie about an undercover operation that took over.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για extreme job
The characters of the movie


Five detectives investigate a drug case when they are suddenly asked to leave the case. The team, however, is not willing to give up. So, they start working at a chicken restaurant. The restaurant is located just on the other side of the road from the criminal hideout. But, things don’t go as they expected them to, as the restaurants become a popular spot and the detectives start enjoying their new role.

The movie has lots and lots of action scenes, blended nicely with the comedy. Truthfully, the part when they were just running the restaurant was a bit boring, but things soon picked up. The ending was actually really really good, with that big twist, in the end, to add some spice to the plot. The love story was good as well but not well explored. The comedy part, finally, was excellent, but the criminal case should have been presented better.


Chief Jo is the leader of the team. He is a passionate man, who cares about his team, as well as determined to solve the cases he is assigned to. Ryu Seung Ryong was really good with the action scenes as well as the more comical ones.

Detective Jang is the only woman of the squad. She is more of a tomboy, very dynamic and confident. She trusts her team and follows her leader. Lee Ha Nui transformed for this role, with less makeup and more badass attitude.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για extreme job
Poster for the movie Extreme Job


The action scenes were well filmed and the comedy nicely handled.


My overall rating for this movie is 7 7 out of 10. The action scenes were good, but the plot was missing some spice.

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