Christmas Post

Hello Everyone!! And merry Christmas!! Hope you are having a wonderful time and you are able to watch many many dramas! As you might have noticed, I have been experimenting with the layout of the blog, and I think I have finally brought it to its final state. Sorry for the confusion T.T As it…

Anime Review : Attack on Titan

Title : Attack on Titan Seasons : 3 + specials + three movies + two short dramas Episodes : 48 so far Genre : Fantasy, Dystopia, Politics, Action, Horror, Mystery, Drama Story : 9 out of 10 Characters : 8 out of 10 Art : 8 out of 10 The famous anime finally got a…

Anime Review : Boku no Hero academia

Title: Boku no Hero academia, my hero academy Seasons: 3 Episodes: 43 + Overall: 8 out of 10 Art: 8 out of 10 Characters: 9 out of 10 Story: 9 out of 10   One of the surprises in the anime territory that made a huge impact, shooting the anime up on the lists of…

Anime Review : Cardcaptor Sakura

Cardcaptor Sakura Shoujo, magical girl, some action, some love story Art : 8/10 Music: 8/10 Characters: 8/10 My rating: 9/10 Cardcaptor Sakura is one of the classics animes. Probably everyone has watched one or two episodes of the series, as many TV networks had picked it up in the past (it’s an old one). So…