Taiwanese Drama Review : Someday or one day

Title : Someday or one day, Want to meet you, Some day or one day?

Episodes : 13

Genre : Fantasy, Drama, Tragedy, Romance, Time travel, Youth, Coming of Age, Slice of Life, School, Loss, Mental Health Issues, Comedy, Mystery, Crime, Love Triangle, Friendship, Music

Story : 9 out of 10

Characters : 9 out of 10

Cinematography : 9 out of 10

A roller coaster of emotions, “Some day or one day” managed to nail the time travel plot.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για someday or one day
The main characters of the taiwanese drama Someday or One Day


2019 : Yu Xuan is trying to continue living her life after her boyfriend, Quan Sheng, had been missing for two years and now he is presumed dead. She is regretting having argued with him the last time they were together and having parted that way. And even though she seems like she is doing okay, she is depressed and she misses him to the point where she sends out texts to him, begging him to come back to her and wishing that they were back together. One day, she finds a picture Quan Sheng with a girl who looks exactly like her and another boy. At first, she thinks that the girl is his ex-girlfriend, but then she discovers that the picture had been taken in the 90s when they were still kids. Tracking down the uncle of the girl, in the hope that he or his niece has a clue about Quan Sheng’s whereabouts, she discovers that the girl, Yun Ru, had died in 1999. Yun Ru’s uncle gives Yu Xuan a walkman and a cassette that Yu Xuan listens while falling asleep.

1998 : Yun Ru is a seventeen-year-old girl who has been in love with a boy from her school, Zi Wei. However, Zi Wei doesn’t like her back. So, for her birthday wish she asks that she will become the girl Zi Wei likes. That night, after confessing and being rejected, Yun Ru goes home only to find it empty and ran down. As her parents are getting a divorce, she believes that she has been abandoned by her family and rushes out in the streets to seek help, when a car comes running towards her. When she wakes up, she is in a hospital, Zi Wei sitting next to her. But she is no longer Yun Ru, but Yu Xuan in the teenager’s body. Yu Xuan is confused, as she is not only transferred back in time, but she also is staring at a boy that looks exactly like Quan Sheng. And she has to find out what had happened to Yun Ru, in order to prevent her upcoming death.

The drama had a story stuffed with twists. And even though the story often got confusing, in the end, they always cleared things out, leaving you wanting more. The story also combined many elements, like melodrama, with lots of dramatic situations, dark characters, tragedies, and enough sadness to get anyone emotional, school romance, with that innocence, freshness, and youthfulness that that genre has, and fantasy, with a masterful presentation of the time-traveling plot that somehow was a way to unveil the mystery. The friendship of the three kids was pretty nice and the moments of comedy that were added here and there were refreshing and lightened the mood without ruining them. The ending was really good too, realistic and original. The fact that they made the characters act realistically and with less drama was enjoyable and suited the drama perfectly.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για someday or one day
The main couple of the taiwanese drama Someday or One Day


Yu Xuan is a professional, modern woman who focuses on her work in order to forget her boyfriend who has been missing for two years. And, as his death is officially recognized, she is having more and more hard time accepting his loss. She is missing him and she can’t really deal with her sadness and regrets. When she finds herself in an impossible situation, she deals with it with maturity, focusing on discovering the truth behind the events that happened, even though that boy Zi Wei looks exactly like her boyfriend.

Yun Ru is a quiet girl who tends to lose herself while listening to music to her walkman. She becomes friends with Jun Jie and his best friend Zi Wei, her crash. However, Zi Wei sees her only as a friend. Alice Ke was fantastic in both roles, presenting them masterfully and realistically. Actually, her Yu Xuan was very likable, energetic, feisty and resourceful.

Zi Wei is a friendly boy who is a minor troublemaker. He is loyal to his best friend and wants to protect him. After Yu Xuan goes back in time, he starts falling in love with the new Yun Ru, even though she is the girl his best friend likes. Greg Hsu was great as the high schooler and heartthrob of the drama, nailing his dramatic scenes.

Jun Jie has been made fun because of his hearing disability. However, after meeting Zi Wei, he has started to accept himself and feel more comfortable with who he is. He also has a crush on the lonely girl, Yun Ru. However, after Yu Xuan goes into Yun Ru’s body, Jun Jie starts to recognize that the girl he loves is not the same person anymore. Patrick Shih was a nice second lead and he really was the best in the later on scenes.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για someday or one day
Poster of the taiwanese drama Someday or One Day


The drama handled the pace very well, as well as the fantasy element.


My overall rating is 9 out of 10. The drama was pretty intense and it did a great job with presenting the stories.