KDrama : Graceful Family

Title : Graceful Family, Elegant Family

Episodes : 16

Genre : Family, Business, Politics, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Rich Family, Lawer, Secrets

Story : 7 out of 10

Characters : 8 out of 10

Cinematography : 8 out of 10

Graceful family had some strong characters and a twisty plot.

Σχετική εικόνα
The three main characters


Seok Hee returns to Korea after many years in the USA where her family had chased her off. She seems childish, impulsive and to love breaking the rules, but in reality, she is a strong young woman who tries to survive her crazy, rich, self-centered family. Seok Hee has two half brothers, totally different from one another, one being the perfect heir, but in a white marriage as he is hiding a huge secret, and the other an artistic playboy who none takes seriously. Her stepmother hates her, her father feels embarrassed about her and she still doesn’t know who killed her real mother. On top of that, her father’s TOP team, a group of capable people who solve all of his problems in every way possible, even if it’s illegal, they are trying to chase her away again. That’s why Seok Hee employees Yoon Do, a friendly and righteous lawyer. Yoon Do is gentle and sweet and he is too trying to solve his mother’s case, one that is connected to Seok Hee’s case. So Yoon Do starts working for the TOP group while investigating their cases.

The story was just okay, with the mystery being more of a trigger point for the actions that followed rather than the main plot. The actual story was about Seok Hee and taking down her family, by revealing their secrets. The most entertaining part was the family drama and strong characters. Even though some were cliché evil family characters (aka the stepmother), the main ones were very strong and dynamic overall and provided solid drama. There were some ridiculous scenes too, but they were entertaining nevertheless. The final conclusion was quite satisfying as well, but a bit sad at the same time. Finally, the subtle romance part was not really necessary, but it was okay overall.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για graceful family
The two main characters


Seok Hee is rich, beautiful, dynamic and strong. She seems like she is spoiled and arrogant, but she is tormenting by her family. Im Soo Hyang was delightful in this one.

Yoon Do is sweet, just and compassionate. He wants to solve his mother’s case that is connected to Seok Hee’s family. Plus, he believes in Seok Hee and wants to help her. Lee Jang Woo was pretty good, however, he was overshadowed by Im Soo Hyang.


The drama had a fast pace that helped a lot with the twists and the family drama.


My final rating is seven out of ten. The drama wasn’t bad, and the characters were very interesting.